22. August 2008

Jared on Breadcrumbs

Eine interessante Betrachtung des Themas Breadcrumbs liefert Jared Spool in seinem aktuellen Blog Post Design Cop-out #2: Breadcrumbs (der zweite Artikel aus seiner Design Crop-out Serie).

The idea behind how breadcrumbs should be used is simple: the user ignores them until they get to a page that isn't quite what they wanted. They discover the trail of links and click on the one most likely to contain the correct path to what they were originally seeking. Because they can jump more than one level, they can view enough of the hierarchy to let them pick up better scent to the content they're seeking.

Wer garnicht genug von diesem Thema bekommen kann, mag vielleicht auch meinen Artikel von letztem Jahr lesen: Breadcrumbs.