8. Dezember 2008

Letting Go of the Words

In letzter Zeit höre oder lese ich immer wieder wie gut das Buch Letting Go of the Words: Writing Web Content That Works angeblich sein soll.

'Redish has done her homework and created a thorough overview of the issues in writing for the Web. Ironically, I must recommend that you read her every word so that you can find out why your customers won't read very many words on your website - and what to do about it' - Jakob Nielsen, Principal, Nielsen Norman Group. 'There are at least twelve billion web pages out there. Twelve billion voices talking, but saying mostly nothing. If just 1 per cent of those pages followed Ginny's practical, clear advice, the world would be a better place. Fortunately, you can follow her advice for 100 per cent of your own site's pages, so pick up a copy of "Letting Go of the Words" and start communicating effectively today' - Lou Rosenfeld, co-author, "Information Architecture for the World Wide Web".

Ich hab es noch nicht gelesen, noch nicht einmal gekauft - aber so kurz vor Weihnachten könnte das Buch tatsächlich noch ein Thema werden...