20. April 2009

Studying: Tagging and Folksonomy

Wow, ich habe glaube ich schon lange nichts mehr über Tagging gelesen. Eben bin ich aber über diesen Artikel gestolpert: Studying Social Tagging and Folksonomy: A Review and Framework.

This paper reviews research into social tagging and folksonomy (as reflected in about 180 sources published through December 2007). Methods of researching the contribution of social tagging and folksonomy are described, and outstanding research questions are presented. This is a new area of research, where theoretical perspectives and relevant research methods are only now being defined. This paper provides a framework for the study of folksonomy, tagging and social tagging systems.

Hier geht es direkt zum PDF (42 Seiten). Von den 42 Seiten sind etwa 20 (!) reine Referenzen. Das PDF ist also garnicht soo lang ;)