24. Juni 2010

Arts Based Learning

Ich bin neulich beim Frühsurfen über diesen recht guten Text gestolpert: Why Arts Based Learning is The Next Organisational Learning and Development Frontier.

The first and most striking of the trends we have observed has been an accelerated growth of interest in our field, to a point that today arts-based learning in the workplace is no longer a little known or fringe phenomenon. Indeed, it has been experienced by hundreds of thousands – perhaps millions – of people, and incorporated into organizational development programs at a majority of the Fortune 500. Arts-based approaches have also been integrated into the curricula of many of the world’s most prestigious business schools, and arts-based tools are being used in employee training programs by a growing number of local, regional, and national governments in North America and Europe.

Am Ende des obigen Artikels wird auf das 13 Seitige PDF verlinkt welches es problemlos zum downloaden gibt.