25. Juni 2010

On Decision-Making

Im Smashing Magazine ist mal wieder eine gute Lektüre erschienen: Decision-Making Models In Web Development.

When was the last time you made a decision? A big one. What was the outcome? Was it good, and how did you get to that outcome? Every day we all make plenty of decisions without a thought to how we structure them or the basis on which we make them. We simply make them. We’re lucky that we work in an industry in which erroneous decisions may have serious financial consequences but rarely, if ever, costs lives.

Der Artikel ist wirklich lesenswert und enthält einige gute Beobachtungen.

Good decisions can save both time and money, and experience, forethought and planning can help you make them. The difference between bad and good decisions is not always clear-cut, and our opinion of our own decisions will often change in hindsight. But making measured and well-considered decisions will make us more comfortable with the course we have chosen and more confident in future decisions.

Ich habe zu diesem Thema einige Bücher die ich durchaus empfehlen kann. Da wäre zum Beispiel The Paradox of Choice. Sehr unterhaltsam und lesenswert. The Wisdom of Crowds - natürlich eine Pflichtlektüre. Und dann könnte ich Euch evtl. noch Tribes empfehlen. Auch sehr gut... wobei das schon ein wenig weiter gefasst ist.