17. Juni 2010

Showcases - 99% Bad

Falls man mal wieder ein wenig Inspiration benötigt, hilft dieser Beitrag eventuell: 48 Examples of Excellent Layout in Web Design.

Beautiful graphics and colors are great and play a big part in web design, but most would agree that the backbone of a solid user experience is the layout. After all, what good is all of the eye candy if one can not easily read and digest the content. There is nothing better than opening a perfectly organized and readable website – a page where the layout invites you to browse the site’s content. There are several ways to organize and put together a nice layout for your website, and here we’ll show some examples of sites that use grids, columns and blocks to showcase their content.

Wer sich mit diesen ganzen Inspirations-Gallerien so garnicht anfreunden kann, dem wird wohl dieser Artikel zusagen: Inspiration Kills.

If you do go out to seek inspiration, don’t look for it in the usual places, the countless galleries and showcases displaying work of your fellow designers. Going this route will ensure your originality gets killed. Look for it elsewhere, in nature and in designs unrelated to your subject.

Schöne und wirklich lesenswerte Blog-Posts. Reinschauen lohnt sich.