12. August 2010

Breadcrumbs – Showcase

Ich glaube, diesen Beitrag wollte ich schon immer auch noch mal bloggen, habs aber dann doch nie geschafft: How to Enhance Your Website Using Breadcrumbs – Showcase.

On large websites and websites with hierarchically arranged pages, breadcrumbs are a really great way for users to navigate around the web site. They are a type of secondary navigation scheme which indicates the exact location of a user on a website. They greatly improve the findability of a web site’s sections and pages. Breadcrumbs, in the simplest form, are horizontally arranged text links separated by a greater than symbol (>). Using breadcrumbs on your website can be really beneficial. It provides a convenient way for users to navigate around the website and also allows users to establish their location on the website.

Schöner Artikel. Lohnt sich, da mal kurz drüber zu lesen.